FAns of George and Er
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Join date : 2019-02-18

What people said about Eric La Salle  Empty What people said about Eric La Salle

Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:23 pm
Brian Maher: La Law ? I prefer La Confidential.
Gerard McSorley: I saw a few episodes of Er they were good.
Lucy Vigne Walsh; i used to enjoy watching Er.
Wes Studi: it's a good medical procedural programme.
Alex Zivak: it's a great show, it's whatever you're into, you know !
Maura Clancy: I liked er until it became too soap operish.
Dave Duffy: I''m a tv phillistine I haven't seen it.
Hilda Fay: I hven't seen it.
Alvean Jones; i haven't seen it.
Jo Gunny Gilliland: from your list of tv and films I only like Indiana Jones.
Alvean Jones on 24: i found 24 boring and implausible.
Peter Miller: i saw a couple of episodes of 24 they were ok.
Maureen Conklin: I don't like 24.
Alex Zivzk: 24 is a great show, it's whatever you're into, you know!
Wes Studi: 24 was a good police procedural drama.

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